Who is my little circus performer? Is it Lu? And how do I fix that stupid grass? It is so shady back there that it doesn't grow. Plus Tallulah runs after vermin on it all day.
Yesterday she went tearing through the yard and about 14 bunnies went running every which way. If she had caught one I never would have gotten over the trauma. I would have stuffed was remained of it and made a little bunny shrine.
So, yesterday, I piled on as much makeup as possible and headed over to the aesthetician's salon so she could check me out. I figured she'd expect me to be well-groomed.
Here I am, without lipstick yet. But let's discuss my brows. I think they have gotten ruined by years of waxing. Back in LA there was an eyebrow boot camp I could have gone to. Yes, there was. It's times like this I miss LA. And coffee.
Anyway, I went there and oh, Mother of God, do I want to work there. The salon is in a beautiful building, and it's full of MAKEUP in there and SKIN CARE PRODUCTS and all sorts of PROCEDURE machines and I was beside myself. And beside my brows. You know she must have been studying those brows. I would have been. It's like they're broken right in the middle. What has HAPPENED? They used to be nice.
The point is, the aesthetician had on not a stitch of makeup. Not a stitch. And she looked great. She does not have one wrinkle and I know she's my age. Don't you hate people like that?
In other news, I am going to The Nester's today. She is having some sort of thing. Do you read The Nester? She tells you how to decorate your house for cheap and yet still have your house look really elegant. The only thing is, you have to be good with your hands, and have you met my hands? She is forever saying things she tells you to do are easy, and I know if I tried them it would look like a parakeet made that, say, window mistreatment.
The good news is, she likes me anyway and I am going to her house today. Yay. She probably likes me because I have wrinkles.
Comment of the week goes to Duffylou. Click on This Week's Special.