I dare you to listen to this and not dance a little.
Sadly for me, for the 2585038638th time in my life, I amuuuuuuuused the family next to me at the red light.
Can I help it I'm white? And from the Midwest?
GET UP-a! Get on up.
Speaking of sex machines, I finished Little Womenses yesterday. I realize none of them were exactly sex machines. Well, maybe the parents, with the four kids and all. Anyway, don't forget we have book club in October. When did I say? October 10? Click on Mince Words with June, get on up-a, to see. Because I can't remember my ass.
Sadly, my ass remembers me and follows right along.
In another sad note, even sadder than my ass, I talked to Snowflake's dad and GUESS WHAT. (get on the scene! get on up) His sister gave away the last puppy on Friday. I hate everything. The good news is that group of dogs is forever mating (and yes, Juice, I too want to go give all the girl dogs Depo shots or something), so he promises to call me when a new litter is available.
And I like how I say "I talked to Snowflake's dad" like it was all casual. I walked and drove past there seven million times yesterday while doing my errands. Don't forget that I have to show you my new bulbs, speaking of my errands. And if that doesn't make you stampede back here tomorrow, I don't know what will.
"Zzzzzz--oh! Good morning! Get out my way! I have to see June's bulbs!"
GET UP! Get on up.
Okay, must get over that song. How much will you pay me to sing and dance to Sex Machine and put it on YouTube?
ANYWAY, one time yesterday in my stalky obsessedness I just HAPPENED to have my iPone with me, and I just HAPPENED to get a picture of Snowflake and her little brother.
Okay, totally selected the wrong photo. I am Snowflake. Talu as a puppy is playing the part of the little brother. Let's try again.
LOOK HOW CUTE! Look at the puppyyyyyy! "i nowflake brother! i little. i gonna be big, tho! maybee you should steel me, aunt joon!"
"Snooflake say do not steel my brutha! I declare!"
Do you know anyone with more annoying dog voices than me? And they all have different tones, too. You should hang at our house someday. You will think I am Sybil, with all my pet voices.
Heh! Take it to the bridge!
See? Right there was a James Brown voice. OHMYGOD! JAMES BROWN! If I get a Snowflake relative who is brown, like our puppy above, I am so naming him James Brown.
Okay, my arse, Jo March the sex machine, my dog voices and James Brown and I are gonna go shake our money makers. GET UP!