I know everyone is worried sick, but Edsel is absolutely at 50% when it comes to housebreaking. Because you know what's fun? Housebreaking a puppy.
Good gravy.
Just about 20 minutes ago, he went to the door, and we went in the back yard and he peed! Yay! Good boy! Who'sagoodboy? Who'sthebestpuppy?
Then two minutes ago? When I went to find him to take this picture? He peed on the dining room floor. How can you have two pees that close together? Is he drinking a keg?
The good news is, all pooping was outside today, and I know you wish I'd talk about it at greater length. So to speak. Maybe I'll update about this on Facebook, like mothers of actual humans do.
But that is not why I gathered you all here today. I am totally gonna make Bye Bye, Pie coffee mugs that say that, because how often am I on a tangent and then tell you that's not why you're here?
I am here today because it is Pieces of Wisdom eve, and last week we got all excited by a new idea, thanks to Faithful Reader Duffylou, who made the fatal mistake of telling us she had a school picture of herself wearing a flower she had created from her Thingmaker.
I begged Duffylouto send her photo in so we could all laugh not at her but near her, and then I was inspired. You see how Duffy looks kind of fuzzy? That is how I see the whole world. And I have to tell you that Thingmaker gem is kind of cool.
So, for this week's Pieces of Wisdom/Humiliation Wednesday, let's all look at horrid photos of ourselves. Email them to me by 9 p.m. Eastern time with your name and/or blog address. If you don't include your blog address with your photo I cannot link to you, and then you will think I am Selfish Selfinstein with my unlinky self.
To email me your terrible picture, click on the right up there, where it says "Email me." Sherlock.
I too will include a humiliating photo, to get us started. I don't have any school photos, which is a shame, because one thing I was in junior high?
However, let's all pause and enjoy this nice shot, from my 14th year.
Mmm-hmmm. Thanks, mom, for capturing on film my Holly Hobbie-esque nightgown that I had clearly had since I was 11. Also, thanks for making me do dishes. Can't you see I am above that?
Who is cracking up at the hand towel with the knitted top? We had 900 of those. Also, I am enjoying the flourishing plant on the counter, there, on the right.
But what is mostly lovely is the way said Holly Hobby-esque nightgown RIDES UP on what I assure you was not a large buttockal region. It's just when you insist on wearing an ANCIENT nightgown, these things happen.
Why did I keep that nightgown? Why didn't I get a new one? Also, why is there an electrical cord on the stove? That has to be safe. I guarantee you I am leaving that pot "to soak." It's an excellent avoidance technique.
Oh, and finally? I guess that's my real haircolor. Hunh. Haven't seen that since 1983. Perhaps this isn't me at all. Perhaps with that hair we had Jesus of Nazareth doing our dishes, and that is why mom chose to photograph this exciting moment.
Anyway. It is only fair that you send me something bad now that I have shown you this beautiful snapshot. I will present them all tomorrow for Pieces of WTF Wednesday.
Bring your Thingmaker jewelry!