Your old pal June is sick sick sick. Of course, you knew that.
I had Marvin get me a box of Puffs, which I want you to know is a luxury for me. Usually I just blow my nose on toilet paper, figuring kleenex is a treat for rich people. Anyway, Edsel took the box while I wasn't looking, pulled every last Puff out of the box, and tore it all into tiny shreds.
Why did Marvin insist we get a puppy, anyway?
Okay, getting up and typing has exhausted me, and I only got 13 hours of sleep last night, so goodbye. Don't forget tomorrow night is book bluc.
Book bluc. Who feels miserable? Who is dizzy and out of it? Book bluc.
Anyway, for more info on book bluc, click on Mince Words with June over there on the right. Or Thgir.
Oh, one more thing. Edsel the eater of Puffs has already grown out of his collar in one week, so does anyone need a 10"-14" red and blue doggie collar? We can do a little June-is-too-ill-to-blog-and-can't-even-spell-"club" giveaway today.
I will assign comment of the week tomorrow when I can form a thought.
Can anyone bring me more Puffs? We can form a little "Help Sick June" bluc.