It's Wednesday, and it's once again time for Pieces of Wisdom. This week we all took the enneagram test, so we could get a little insight into the frighteningness that is our personality over here at Bye Bye, Pie. Yes, we all have one personality. It is all glommed together.
The enneagram is a personality test that looks at what motivates you psychologically. It sort of shows the way you look at life. There are nine different types you can be: the reformer, the helper, the motivator, the romantic, the thinker, the skeptic, the enthusiast, the leader or the peacemaker.
I picked this particular test over any other type because my stepfather is a psychiatrist, and yes I DO pronounce it pissakyatrist when I write it, and he said he really thinks the enneagram has a lot of credence. I didn't think pissakyatrists liked ANY personality tests, so I was all wow, really?
Because I am articulate.
Anyway, I was thinking maybe there was one type of person who read my blog, but in most cases, we are pretty evenly spread out. I will show you what percentages we were of each type, and I will link to descriptions of the various types if you want to learn more about them.
Eleven percent of you were reformers (also known as perfectionists). Now, please keep in mind that I am NOT a perfectionist, and also I have a degree in English, so my math may not be exact, here, but I checked it twice and that is what I got. You damn perfectionist.
Seventeen percent of my faithful readers were helpers. I thought it would be funny to show me helping Tallulah hump Winston for this particular shot, and all I can tell you is I have gouges the size of Topeka down the side of my arm. So much for styling THAT shot. So I helped give Edsel the bone he already had. You can see he's all, "alreddy haf bone, mom. i a smart breed. you not helping me. mom kind of a nummskull."
A mere 5% of you are performers/motivators. This did not stop me from striking this ludicrous pose, however. In second place after type 4, the romantic, which is coming up, I was most strongly a performer. So I'm a romantic performer. Ooo! Sounds dirty. Hello, mom.
I am pleased to report that the majority of us are artists/romantics, at 19%. Did you read our description, though? Don't we sound like self-centered arseholes? Asked the woman who has featured four pictures of herself so far on this post.
Fifteen percent of you are thinkers/investigators, and I heart myself so bad.
A mere 5% of my readers are skeptics/questioners, but I figured if Francis were a person he'd be a skeptic. He seems skeptical of all of us here in the house. As in, "Why all you alive?"
My theory is skeptical people have no interest in reading about the day-to-day life of someone and that is why so few read my blog. They are probably all, who cares? Or maybe they think I'm lying. Yes. I'm inventing this glamorous life.
I just noticed I misspelled "skeptic" on my sign, there. Skepic. Perhaps you are skepical of my proofreading skills.
I look less enthusiastic and more like I stepped on a scorpion.
Only 7% of you are enthusiasts/generalists. I am going to have to read up on all y'all, because I don't understand why the term "enthusiast" and "generalist" are used interchangeably for this particular group. Those seem like totally different things. You never hear of someone going to the enthusiast store to get soap and sugar and fabric.
See what I did, there? I put the leader sign next to our pack leader. And yes, she IS and I'm not. Edsel is looking at me like, "oh yes, she totalee is. pleese note she has my bone now."
And didn't I pay the Tea Partier to clean my house? Why is this carpet in need of sweeping? Did I tell you guys my TV was tuned to FOX when I turned it on last night? Swear. But she really did clean as well as watch TV.
Anyway, 10% of you are leaders. Pack leaders. Can you even THINK the words "pack leader" without hearing Cesar's accent?
A LOT of you are peacemakers--12%! You came in third, after the romantics and those helpers. What a group of wusses we are.
So thanks, everyone, for participating. I have no idea what it all means, but it was interesting. We should see how the general population answers this quiz and see if we match up. Also, why did I think making a peace sign in place of an "a" would make sense? Now it looks like it says peocemaker.
Hate self. Hate romantic performing self.