In case you don't read the comments, I'd like you to just go back to yesterday's post and casually peruse it, and ask yourself, How in the Sam Holy Hill did that relatively benign post result in 114 comments on anal bleaching?
Y'all all are an interesting bunch. And this is why we are going to take a test today. A reward, if you will.
My favorite teacher in high school used to give us these surprise quizzes and he'd say, "Today I am going to REWARD you. To give you a chance to show me all you've learned so far" and we'd all be, "Oh, crap."
If you had Mr. Parsons earlier in the day, your friends would ask, "Is there going to be a #$%*& REWARD today? Because I didn't do the reading."
Mr. Parsons is my Facebook friend, and whenever he clicks "Like" on any of my status updates I get a little thrill to this day. A reward.
Today we are going to take the enneagram test and see what kind of personality each of us has. I am curious to see if there is a type who reads this blog. I mean, other than the type who is unbelievably interested in anal bleaching.
If you are my cousin Katie or, you know, my mom, you click on the blue words, you guys.
It took me about seven minutes to take, and I am a type four.
The enneagram has nine personality types:
The Perfectionist (HAH! So not me) (and yes, I know what I do for a living)
The Helper (HAAAAAAAA! Even more not me)
The Achiever (This was slightly me)
The Romantic (Hello. Where is my Vanderbilt perfume?)
The Observer (I think this is Marvin)
The Questioner (What? Why is there a questioner?)
The Adventurer (Yeah, no.)
and The Peacemaker (All we are sayyying...)
So go see which one you are. Here is part of the description of the splendor of Romantic me. Who should have never found that Vanderbilt perfume commercial from last week?
How to Get Along with Me
- Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
- Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
- Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
- Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
- Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!
I have special gifts. AND I AM NOT OVERREACTING! SHUT UP!
Okay, so take the quiz, and then come back and say which one you are. Please take it by 9 p.m. my time (Eastern time) so I can add up everyone's results and find out you are all Peacemakers and that is why you are staring at me like Yoko right now.
Okay, go!