Perhaps you're saying, Gee. I wish I knew someone as high-tech and fancy as June.
You don't. Deal with it.
Above is my fine map of the United States, showing where my readers are. If it's green, someone is reading me in that state. The greener it is, the more readers there are.
I also had 10 people reporting from Canada, one reader from Puerto Rico, one from London, one from France, one from someone's underpants.
I also had readers in Belgium, Luxemborg, Grenada, SE England, Australia and Argentina.
June. So worldly. So welcome.
The most readers came from my own state, North Carolina. I guess you like to read about your own place or something. Then after that I was big in Ohio, California and Texas. Well. I'm big everywhere, currently. What muffin top?
As of this writing, no one reported in from Wyoming, and why(oming), I wonder. Also, apparently no one likes me in Rhode Island, but it has like 14 people, so what are the chances? Maybe we should set up a campaign to get Rhode Island read. What say you?
Oh! And Vermont. No one said they were in Vermont. Cheese. I'm sure.
And finally, please note Montana. Giant Montana. Now, one of my ex-boyfriends lives there part of the time, and I know he reads me when he's there, but right now he's in our home town sleeping with all the young girls in Michigan. In spring he will return to Montana to check out the new crop of barely legals there. You so want to be this guy. Trust me on this.
I mean, Montana is a big state. Are they all out admiring moose and looking at their big sky? Buying chastity belts for their daughters for when my ex returns? Why aren't they reading this fine blog? Hmmm?
Still, this was exciting. I got most of the states and realized I could have a big North Carolina get-together if I felt like it.
Thanks for participating and representin'. How much do you like me for saying "representin'"?
Your hated-by-Montanans pal,
P.S. Mrs. Oh, who is recovering from a heart attack and needs entertainment, made me more maps! Go, Mrs. Oh and her heart! Bless her heart. Literally.