So I went to the Office Depot, there, to get more batteries, because Edsel ate the remote control and he chewed up the batteries, as he is a GIANT ASS, and I was hoping new batteries would be all that was needed to fix the remote, because I really did not want to have to go back to 1977 when you had to GET UP and CROSS THE ROOM to change channels and I wonder if this sentence could get any longer.
Remember having to get up and change the channel? Granted, there were only three channels from which to choose, but if you were hatin' Love, American Style and wanted to switch over to Room 222 you had to haul your seven-year-old self up and put that giant knob in your hand, so to speak, and CLUNK, CLUNK, CLUNK, change it over.
God, we had it rough. I was not allowed to watch Love, American Style, so I can tell you I would not have gotten up to change the channel had it been on and no one was catching me watching it. Oh, the forbidden fruit of Love, American Style.
However, I seem to have digressed.
I bought the AAA batteries that my now-chewy remote requires, and I was just getting ready to head home, slip the batteries in and beat the dog with the remote when...
I saw kitties.
I know. I have, like, kitty-dar. But there were four cats RIGHT THERE on the side of Office Depot.
You can imagine how quickly I shot over there.
Here is Mousepad, the mom. Isn't she beautiful? She was very curious about why I was over there taking pictures of her and her cattens. But she did not run away in terror.
See the black one? That's Inkjet. The gray-and-white kitty in front, who rubbed on his mom a lot, is Sharpie.
Sharpie was the friendliest cat, and he came this close to me. I KNOW he was considering letting me pet him, but decided I was too big of a nutbar. Or maybe he knew I'd swoop him up and put him in my car. Whichev.
There was one more catten who refused to come close at all, and that was Scanner. Do you enjoy my Office Depot names? Who loves herself?
So today I...happened to go back to Office Depot and lo and behold, there they are again.
Today Scanner came over too!
I can't imagine what made Scanner and Mousepad come a-runnin', because it's not like I brought any cat treats with me or anything. Nor was I jiggling the bag. Nope.
But guess what. They didn't even WANT the treat. I looked around the corner, and THREE PEOPLE are already feeding them!
Clearly I am not the only Gladys Kravitz of cats.
And I know there are rescue organizations that I can call and I even have those humane traps I could use. But you know what? I don't want them to be in some cage somewhere. I don't want them separated, either. They were constantly butting heads, and wrapping their tails around each other. I have never seen a cat family that was so affectionate. Who am I to "rescue" them from that? They have a ton of woods back there, and yes, they will probably not live long. I say better that than languishing in a shelter, apart, for who knows how long.
But that does not mean I'm not gonna go visit them. They are my new satellite kitties.
I think I will be loading up on a lot of the office supplies.