Edsel has a new best friend, which I would get up and go outside and photograph for you, but then everyone would remember I exist and they would think about coming inside and trust me, you do not want these yahoos inside. Edsel and this puppy play outside for hours at a time while Tallulah and I relax in here and roll our eyes at each other.
In case you did not read yesterday's post, because 12 people read me on Saturday and I for one resent it, I am puppy-SITTING. I did not get a new pup. What am I, soft in the head? Which is what my neighbors thought when they saw me walking her yesterday.
"Oh! Did you...add to your brood?" they all asked in different ways, seeming concerned.
Do I really seem that berserk?
Do not reply to that query.
On other news, I got my roots done yesterday, despite the fact that I had, like, $100 to my name till payday. Again, do not answer above query.
I get my roots done at Party City. Also, in real life it does not look like there is a blemish on my chin. And yet this picture makes me look very blemishy. Why, God?
At any rate, my hairdresser informed me that I am now 100% gray in real life. Thank you! Hooray! I really don't like her all that much. Other than the part where she provides snacks and has a Keurig machine. How can I be 100% gray with blemishes? WHY, GOD?
After I got my roots done and came home and played with Penny and looked at my remaining penny to last me till payday, I drove to my friends Chris and Lilly's farm to have dinner.
And then when I got there, they had beautiful dahlias from their own yard, because, you know, they have a farm. Now I have been obsessed. Had I said I'd bring wine when they invited me? It'd be like me to have emailed, "I'll bring wine!" and then never have thought about it again. Because I suck.
I love going to Chris and Lilly's. First of all, Chris always does everything. Cooks delicious food, serves it, cleans it up, provides ambiance, while Lilly and I do all the chatting. I mean, he chats too. He's not one of those silent husbands. But Lilly and I both had bad weeks, and I said to her, "Thank God Chris is gonna do everything so you and I can sit around and whine all night."
And not only do they have, you know, farm animals for me to oooo over, they have a kitty--A FLUFFY SWEET KITTY...
Dinner was unbelieveable, and mom, I want a toile tablecloth. For my giant dining room table. Good luck with that.
What was I talking about? Pumpkins, right.
So, for some reason, we decided to make super-fancy pumpkins. Because I am so skilled with the crafts.
I was gonna put a bird on it. Chris and Lilly were gonna do a fox head and a riding helmet. Supposedly we were going to poke a kind of stencil around the shape and carve from there.
Have you met me? Seriously, I wonder if we've met. I am June Gardens. I am good at crafts never.
Mine? Looked like a cyclops eye or something.
Happy Halloween!
So there was my day.