I am watching my coworker TinaDoris' puppy this weekend. Her puppy is named Penny. I don't know why, because she seems to have no cents. BAH.
TinaDoris and her fiance are going to historic Williamsburg for the weekend. I told them to bring me back a rich old man. When TinaDoris was considering getting a puppy, she said, "What will we do with a dog when we travel?" and I said, "I'll ALWAYS dog-sit! ALWAYS!" You know how I am.
I knew my dogs would be okay with it once they got past the hour and 72 minutes of barking and jumping up and down and Occupying Greensboro.
I never thought I'd see the day that Edsel seemed mature and dignified. I still haven't seen that day. But he seems one rung down from the usual idiot that he is.
And you know who is pleased that I took this gig?
And you may be asking, "What about Anderson?" Please. Anderson who. Although he did get on his usual spot last night, which is right behind me on top of the couch, but as soon as he saw that puppy, he made haste and plans to exterminate anyone under the age of four months in this dwelling.
Roger, instead of just hiding angrily somewhere, has growled nonstop for 12 hours. rrrrrrrrmmmmmm. It's like he's got a battery all of a sudden.
And who wants to be nothing but friends with him? "pennee love grrring dog! come say hi to--ow!" She never catches on.
why dog wif claw have vendeta?
Also, Penny came with her own toys, which of course my dogs took from her, resulting in her taking their toys, which made them mad so they got their toys, then she took HER toys, then they took her toys away and OH MY GOD is this what it's like to have kids? Because let me just pen a thank-you to my tubal ligationist right now.
"dis...temporaree. rite, mom?"
Comment of the week goes to Becky H. Anyone who calls a baby a transvestite has to win comment of the week.