Yesterday I went to the doctor, because you know I like going to the doctor. I went because (a) whenever I put pressure on my left elbow it feels like a shock going up my arm, which is pleasant and (deux) I wanted to score some more Latisse.
And you know how all my doctors quit? If you are just tuning in, here's a brief recap:
1. My first doctor in LA killed himself.
2. Then the next took a leave of absence because her son had seizures.
Okay. I was PROBABLY not the cause of doctor A and we can't blame me for doctor B for sure.
3. Then the next guy was really good and it was maybe three months before I got a letter saying, "I have moved on." Not moved on like the suicide doctor, but still.
4. Then I got here and the doctor who did my surgery in March? Left the organization in April.
5. And the general doctor I had here? I called and they said, "She's no longer with us." Do not even want to KNOW what that means.
6. So I got her replacement, saw her for most of this year, and when I went to make an appointment with her last week? She has an "emergency" and will be gone for an undisclosed time.
I can't KEEP a doctor.
7. Oh! And I forgot to tell you about my doctor in Seattle, Sherwood B. Fyne, who DIED while he was my doctor, rendering his name ironic.
You know how I said I'd give you a "brief" rundown? Never believe me when I say that.
So yesterday I saw a whole new person and am looking forward to her phony excuse when she quits me. Nevertheless, she refused to give me Latisse and said I need to see an eye doctor or whatever--pfft. Then she looked at my elbow and said, "If it hurts when you sit that way, don't sit that way."
I said, "You know what would make my elbow feel better? Is if I had longer eyelashes."
You may be stunned to hear this argument did not work. THIS will probably be the doctor I am stuck with forever.
So now I have an appointment next week with a plastic surgeon who lists Latisse on her website. What I won't DO now that I am starting to see longer lashes. Which by the way I just tried to photograph on my webcam and all I could do was get a picture of the top of my head because I was closing my eyes so you could see my lashes.
In other news, I got invited to a Halloween party and my coworker from this job and my LAST job, Jane West, is to be my date. We are going as Snow White and Rose Red! Oh, we love ourselves.
I get to be Snow White because I'm "blonde." Cannot wait to wear a triangle napkin on my head.
I must leave now, and get my snow white self ready for work. Before I go, I wanted to show you a photo Marvin sent me that he just found. It's from 2004.
It's Fran! Back when he got up off his chair! Oh, adventure Fran. How I miss you.
Okay, really going.
Oh! Just one more thing. I, um, well.
I love Daniel Boone.