I wanted to like this book. Because it's the first of a series, and then I'd have a whole series to look forward to and so forth.
But oh, this book was not good. And sadly, I could not put it down. It was kind of like the Twilight books: they were banal, predictable (okay, other than the last Twilight book) and silly, and yet I needed to know what happened next.
I guess my favorite character in the book was Old Jack, the guy who lived in the train car near the docks. I wish I could be all wise and discreet and secretly help everyone. Instead I'd be all, "Hey, did you hear what's going on with that kid? And how that one dock worker was left to die? And how the mom got knocked up by the rich owner's son?" and so forth.
Because you know how I am.
You know what this book was like? A Mauve Binchy story. It had a bunch of characters, and you kind of got into them, yet you knew who was gonna have a sad ending and who wasn't, and yet you kind of got into it.
But the bad people were all bad, and the good people all good, and blech. It was dumb.
Did anyone find it riveting and deep? Do tell.