TALLULAH: Me two. Let do thing where we bug mom. Let moan at her and paw at her and staaar at her till she make us go in room, then she hide treetz for uz to fynd.
EDSEL: Okaaa!
TALLULAH: Okay. We hiding in room. Theenk mom is getting treeetz for us? Theenk she hiding them on us for us to find?
EDSEL: Yeah. I theenk she is. Hope she can find dog treetz in her cupboards. She got lots of fud in der.
EDSEL: Where you theenk she hiding treetz at? Where she hiding them at, Talu? You know where she hiding treetz?
TALLULAH: I not telling you. You eat dem all, fat azz.
TALLULAH and EDSEL: Go find treetz!!
TALLULAH: Lu fynd one! It on table. God, MOM. Dat easy.
EDSEL: Oww! Edsul find treet under Jaymes Brown. Edsul feel good. Good God. Take to brigge. Hot tub!
EDSEL: Fownd treet on shelf! Or else Edzul ate niknak! Not sure. Don't care.
EDSEL and TALLULAH: Treet under chaar! Treet under chaar!
The end.