Well, it's Valentine's Day, which technically is my favorite holiday because I like the colors. And yes, I know I also like April Fool's Day, and you know, a person can have two favorite holidays, persnickety. Where is it WRITTEN, I'd like to know, that you can only have the one favorite holiday? Hmmm?
Watch. Someone will go find where it's written.
So far I've gotten some lovely earrings from my Aunt Mary and also from my friend Dot, not that they went in on earrings together. Also I got nice cards from my mom and Chris and Lilly.
As for me, I spent all last night preparing a Very Special Valentine's Day Thing for Ned, which I can't TELL you about because he hasn't GOTTEN it yet, but let's just say it involved me being in the kitchen, which is seldom a good idea. And I was nervous as a CAT at the grocery store for fear I'd run into him, and I even went to the store he less-seldom frequents, and it turns out he was there within an hour after I was there.
See what I mean? If we break up I'll have to move to Schenectady. And I don't even know where that IS. I just kind of wanted to say Schenectady.
But anyway, I've not gathered you all here today to listen to me blather on about Ned, for once. Today, the holiday of love, I thought we should talk about other kinds of love. Not "other kinds of love" like the way I humped my dog the other day, but things we love that aren't romantic.
Because yes, this is the day to celebrate romantic love, and yay and so on. But last year, I didn't HAVE romantic love and it sucked. I had just MET Ned and the only thing we did was send each other sarcastic Some eCards. Oh, I love Some eCards.
What I'm trying to say is, not everyone is ensconced in a happy romantic sitch this year (I am. Did I tell you how I am? Did I tell you I get all melty when I'm around Ned, and how half the time I don't even know what the fuck he's talking about because I'm so busy thinking, "I adore Ned"? Did I tell you all that? Have you heard? Because maybe I've not mentioned it) and it's depressing and abhorrent to see all those happy romantic people.
So my point is, today let's talk about what else we love. Oh, sure, we all love our PETS and our KIDS and so on. Who cares? When you ever gonna hear anyone say, "My child is hideous and I hate him." No one ever says that. Everyone has "four beautiful children" now, did you ever notice that? "We have four beautiful children." Oh, shut up. One of them has to be a bulb nose or something. Give me a break. Four kids, and not one butterface? Come on.
And no one ever says, "I am bored stiff by my new kitten."
And that is why we will attempt today to enjoy all the OTHER things we love. This day of love doesn't have to be about romance, like the hot hot hottie hot melty romance I have that's new and exciting.
Blogger Bludgeoned with Own Blog Post. Story at 11:00.
No! Today we celebrate ALL the things we love. Is what I say.
"I'm writing a special love post," I told Ned, the man I lovelovelovelovelovepinkcloudofhappy love. "And I'm trying to think of other things we love. What else do you love besides me and that cat? What other kinds of love are there?"
"There's Love American Style," said Ned, while I told him to hang on so I could sign up for a dating site.
- Mashed potatoes. Yes, if there were a card I could send to a mashed potato, I would. Sue me.
- George Clooney. I don't even particularly lust for George Clooney, although he's undeniably handsome. I mean he's a good person who's done a lot for the world and isn't an ass even though he could be if he wanted to.
- My friends. I mean, I have a lot of friends. But I have three or four people who, when I talk to them, I feel 100 times better after we've spoken. And if you try to tell someone about it after, you can't capture what was special about it. So anyway, them. Those friends. The ones who lift you up rather than make you feel like dung.
- A new lipstick, when it's really good. When you dash to the car, rip open the packaging, look in your rearview mirror and put it on and you don't look like a lunatic after. Where you're all, Wow, I'm pretty cute rather than Wow, am I an extra from Girl, Interrupted?
- The flowers that are coming up all over my yard. Even though they shouldn't be, and it's too early, oh! It's nice to see daffodils out there nodding hello.
- Waking up and realizing you actually slept all night.
- Really good coffee.
- The small child I saw today who was approximately 2-11 years old, and who had on old-fashioned white button-up boots, like the kind some kid would have had on in 1900 along with her large-wheeled bicycle. I have no idea where she GOT those boots, and she also had on a fabulous tassled pink poncho, and she was so working it.
That's what I mean. About stuff to love today. It doesn't have to be anything traditional.
lillee too pretee not to be everyone valentyne
So let me know. What do YOU love today other than the obvious stuff?
Love (see that I did, there?), June.