That title has nothing to do with anything. I was just singing it to Tallulah, who seems to be over me singing anything to her.
I love The Black Crowes. I'm just like Kate Hudson that way.
Once, I was walking my friend's dogs, and she lived in an apartment in kind of a hoity-toity neighborhood right under the Hollywood sign. This shaggy guy complimented the dogs, and I ended up sitting on the grass talking to him. He said he had a dog and was interested in obedience training, so I told him about where the dogs I was walking dogs went and mentioned it wasn't super expensive or anything.
Later, I told my friend, "I was walking the dogs when this Chris Robinson-looking guy and I got into a conversation about obedience training." She said, "That WAS Chris Robinson." Turns out he lived in her neighborhood.
Don't you hate people who say "hood" when they mean neighborhood? Yeah, you're hep. Anyway, I'm certain the cost of the obedience training was super meaningful to him. What with his famous band and his movie star wife and all. Well. Ex-wife. But he musta gotten some Kate Hudson dollars, don't you think?
Anyway, it turns out my friend David was at a bar and saw this guy walk in and said, "Oh, look who's going to the I-want-to-be-Chris-Robinson School of Looks."
Guess who it was.
For some reason, there is something about poor Chris Robinson that makes him look like he's not quite Chris Robinson.
I have no idea why I went off on that tangent. But do you ever watch that Sister Wives show, with that shaggy husband 14 women have married like he's cute? He is NOT Chris Robinson. But shaggy he is. Of course, none of those wives are exactly a basket of fruit, either. And yet? I cannot turn off that show. Hey, a whole crowd of unattractive people doing something I kind of disapprove of! Let me put down the remote!
In other news, The Naughty Professor took pictures at my New Year's party and said he'd send them to me. I know, in fact, that he took a cute one of Edsel in a hat.
Dear People Who Know Me in Real Life and Say They'll Get Pictures to Me:
Right when you get home. That's when I need those pictures, so I can blog about whatever it is the next morning. Not a week and a half later. Geez.
Say, June, that Loving Kindness meditation sticking with you? How's that working?
Speaking of working, I had better go to my working. I wanted to get up earlier and blog at you, but I went to Ned's to watch the Rose Bowl, and by "watch" I mean I napped for an hour and made out with Ned for three, but whatever, they won, MSU did, and I didn't get home till midnight, because Ned and I had to discuss the finer points of the game. Or make out. Whichever.
We have made a New Year's resolution to both be fiscally responsible this year, which is great, but here is the difference between Ned and me. We just had two gatherings in my home this past month (my party and our moms came here for Christmas), so I now know this all too well.
Ned: It's eight months before the event. We should start planning every single detail down to the last staple in the invitation.
June: Pfft.
Ned: It's now a month before the event. We should start planning every single detail down to the last staple in the invitation.
June: Pfft.
Ned: So, our event is in a week. What food do you want? What drinks do you want? How should we decorate? Did you actually invite people yet? What about the dogs? Are they going to be put in the back or out bothering anyone? Have you budgeted for this? Did you meditate on it? Did you write about it in your diary? Did you act out a scene where the event is happening? We could act out an improvisational scene, and prepare for any disaster or awkwardness. Have you hired an expert to advise you on how to have the event? I've drawn out a few sketches of where we'll all be seated, and I timed everything to the exact second it should happen.
June: Oh my GOD, I'll think about the event the day of, like I always do, and get hysterical at the last minute and then it'll all be fine.
Ned: [hives]
And, scene.
My POINT is, yesterday Ned kept saying, "Now, how are we going to plan this year of fiscal responsibility? We really need to hash out a whole plan. I've drawn up some sketches..."
Can't we just, you know, NOT SPEND and that's our plan?
We may have different coping skills, Ned and me. Is all I'm saying. I'll bet if he knew how little I planned what I was gonna say in this blog he'd hive out even more. Which is not at all obvious, what with the Chris Robinson Rose Bowl Tallulah Sister Wives easy-to-follow thread this whole post has taken.
Okay, late for work. Did not plan.