This site's gonna be the death of me. Typepad is STILL having problems and this thing comes and goes constantly. When I went to log in today, I got the big warning you get sometimes about how I was logging in to an unsafe site. I've been logging in to this site since 2006! Now it's unsafe. At any speed.
So I'll wait till all seems actually stable to really post anything. Go read yesterday's if you didn't get. I'd hate for you to miss my impressive art.
P.S. I had a stupid idea but Ima do it anyway. Let's have selfie day. I just copyedited an article on selfies and I got inspired. Send me a photo you took yourself, of yourself. Email it to the email address on the right side of this blog (beneath the ad) and title it SELFIE.
Only title it that. I will not reply to you, because part of what makes finding these emails from you all so hard is that I've replied, so then when I do a search for "SELFIE" I also come up with 75 emails of us talking. So don't find me roooood.
Oh, and tell me your name (the name you want me to use for you when I mention you on my blog, anyway) where you were (Kansas, not "my kitchen") and any other fascinating tidbit. You have till this Friday at noon Eastern time. Go!
P.P.S. Y'all. REMEMBER TO ATTACH THE PIC. If you don't attach, your photo won't be shown. Because there, you know, IS no photo. Is the thing.
P.P.P.S. Oh my god, you all keep saying funny things and I want to reply BUT I CAN'T.