Yesterday, I learned there's a new app you can put on your phone which will let you play whatever song you like when you walk into a bar or restaurant that has a juke box. ("I even busted the juke-a-box!" Name that movie.)
What would your song be?
I said Black Dog or Bizarre Love Triangle, a fact that surprises no one who knows me.
The Guy Who Sits Next to Me said The Pixies' Where is My Mind, and then I was jealous of his most excellent choice.
I love that song. But now if I say that, I am just Single White Female-ing The Guy Who Sits Next to Me.
There's something you say every day.
Griff, who sits next to The Guy Who Sits Next to Me, said Merle Haggard. God help us all.
Ned said Camptown Races, and he doesn't even get a You Tube video for that.
What would your song be?