Last night I dreamed that I came home from work and went in to take a nap, and I felt Ned come lie down next to me. Then I woke up with a jolt and realized I was in my bed alone. Thanks, subconscious. No, really, thanks.
In other, less depressing news, I'm having dinner with Marvin tonight, of the used-to-be-married-to-him Marvins. He's in North Carolina working on a movie. Yes, he's back to working on movies again like he did in LA. Did I ever tell you, back when he was thinking of leaving sound mixing, one of the last movies he worked on was this documentary about a psychic, and don't ask what movie because I have no idea if it ever even got made. Half the stuff he did never got made. Anyway, she talked to him and said he would always regret leaving sound mixing.
So there you go.
Anyway, we're meeting in Chapel Hill because it's halfway between us. "Can you bring Tallulah?" he asked. I explained that no, I really could not. But then he found a RESTAURANT named Tallula, so we're going to that. I wonder what Tallulah will serve. todaaay speshul be brown kibbul! we also haff appetiser, it be brown kibbul!
So I'll let you know how our brown kibble evening goes.
I also wanted to say that if you've sent me something nice lately and I have not thanked you, please let me know. I've gotten boxes at Ned's, boxes at work (please see above where Miss Doxie sent me ghost books and a ghost meter. "Be scared, not sad!" she said), gift cards...I mean, if I were you I would HATE me right now, so rich in stuff am I. And I keep trying to stampede to my computer to thank you right away, but sometimes work and so on, and then I forget, so do let me know so I can thank you properly.
And finally, my other big news is that I went to the blow-out bar yesterday. At lunch, as I was walking to Elegant Nail to get my eyebrowns done (there was a sign in LA that read: Eyebrown Wax, and now I can't say anything but eyebrown), I was walking in behind a very polished woman, as opposed to a very Polish woman, which is what you're generally doing in Michigan. Lots of your Polish people there. I have some Polish in me, actually. You haven't had fun till you've polka-ed at a wedding with your cousins.
The point is, she looked so sleek and I looked like a schlub. After my browns, I took this selfie and just as I did someone was walking to my car, and this looks very dramatic but really I was making sure no drunks were coming at me. There's a bar next to Elegant Nail, and sometimes drunks accost me on my way out. And not even cute ones.
It turns out, Wednesday is $25 blow-out day, and this past month I got this little employee recognition thing (I am EMPLOYEE OF THE CENTURY!!!!), and it came with a gift card for just that much. God wanted me to get blown out and then go home for some restorative fish sticks.
They had a menu. Like, do you want The Kate or do you want The Grace? I chose The Clair, and I have no idea which famous Clair they mean. Clair de Lunatic. Anyway, $25 plus tip later, here I am, post Tracy Chapman.
So we get our unsmiling selfie AND a shot of my blowout in one fell swoop. Anyway, I'm tempted to do this, to get a blowout a week. I mean, I don't look nearly as insane when my hair's straight. Ooo, and remind me to tell you how I've somehow roped one of the Alexes into helping me paint my bedrooms, and we keep coming up with excellent ideas such as glitter paint.
One wonders if The Grace would even stay on my head should I choose it. They should totally have other, bad famous hair blowouts you can get, such as the Axl or The Russel Brand. The Whoopie.
Okay, going. Talk at you.