There's a woman at work, one of the Alexes who's actually named Alex and not some hapless coworker I've roped into the name because I'm hilarious. This Alex is making a gift basket for someone she knows who's had some... Read more →
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There's a woman at work, one of the Alexes who's actually named Alex and not some hapless coworker I've roped into the name because I'm hilarious. This Alex is making a gift basket for someone she knows who's had some... Read more →
08:22 AM in Friends | Permalink | Comments (48)
If you have your Big Book of June Events out, you'll know that Ned my ex (NedEx) and I turned 50 right around a year ago. (Didn't we come up with NedEx thinking we were brilliant, and then we never... Read more →
08:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (56)
Right after we last spoke, nigh on 24 hours ago, I got up from this very desk and took a shower. Because, you know, sanitary. As long as you don't think too much about how many animal germs are in... Read more →
08:20 AM in I am high-maintenance, June can't keep a man, Marvin, My pets | Permalink | Comments (36)
"Oooo! I know!" I said to my friend. "Let's drive out to the country to that ice cream place, where you can pet cows and eat ice cream they made right there on the spot!" For me, there's a whole... Read more →
08:16 AM in At Two With Nature, Music, Other people's pets | Permalink | Comments (37)
I went out last night. Slept in m'pearls. I also took Lottie with me, because I'm living like a HERMIT not going places because I feel bad about putting her in a crate too much. And unlike my mother, who... Read more →
12:47 PM in Food and Drink, I am berserk, In the kitchen with June, My pets | Permalink | Comments (42)
Coming out of the shower this morning, I realized that right now, my house smells like a perfect combination of freshly brewed coffee and puppy. What more can you ask for? Somehow that made me think of: drivin' home this... Read more →
08:40 AM in Freaky Friday, Music | Permalink | Comments (56)
Last night, I got my formidable roots done, and also, we've hired a very cute woman at work who's adorable, with purple roots and then long-ish lavender hair. Everyone at work wants to be her all of a sudden. "Remember... Read more →
08:11 AM in Hair | Permalink | Comments (53)
Oh, I was sleeping so NICELY this morning. Lottie did her usual waking at 6:00 thing, which we have down to a science. She whines once, I get up, still asleep, walk her outside, she pees, and without saying a... Read more →
01:06 PM in Fuck natural, Hair | Permalink | Comments (44)
I got a lot accomplished this weekend, and by "accomplished," I mean I watched 10 hours of the new season of Orange is the New Black. I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't get all 13 episodes in,... Read more →
08:29 AM in Television | Permalink | Comments (73)
We somehow got into this discussion at work, and it was a good one. Were you the kid who tore out the door at dawn and didn't come back till the streetlights came on? (Ned.) Were you the kid who... Read more →
07:55 AM in Beauty products, Fuck natural | Permalink | Comments (68)
Who is the DELIGHTFUL individual who sent me these? They're Jo Malone fragrances, and they come in really excellent scents. Last night I sprayed on Nectarine Blossom and Honey, then later because I'm obsessed I sprayed on Blackberry and Bay.... Read more →
08:28 AM in I am a pleasure of life | Permalink | Comments (37)
Yesterday on Facebook, I asked everyone how many of their Facebook friends had been...friends, IfYouKnowWhatI'mSayin'. How many have you KNOWN. In THAT way. Hashtag nudge. Every once in awhile, I'm reminded of something Ned said to me when we were... Read more →
08:18 AM in Aging ungracefully | Permalink | Comments (37)
There are three things I wanted to tell you about: the turtle, my conversation and the intuitive. Which do you want to hear first? ...Okay. Remember last week, when a bunch of you donated to my coworker Alex so she... Read more →
08:35 AM in Am British, At Two With Nature | Permalink | Comments (49)
This is why you can't let puppies out your sight for even one minute. This is why my days are spent never deep sitting anymore, but rather bounding up constantly whenever that dog toddles out of the room. And have... Read more →
07:00 AM in Chicken, Friends, June can't keep a man | Permalink | Comments (52)
Lottie had the trow-ups last night, but she's okay today. Did any of you ever read that blog, Blue Skies and Yellow Dogs? She doesn't blog anymore, but she had this hilarious housekeeper who'd leave her long notes, often about... Read more →
08:09 AM in Friends, My pets, Other people's pets | Permalink | Comments (42)
I haven't been here in ages and now I have 296 things to tell you. On Tuesday, TypePad was down and I could not post and I was SO MAD, because I wanted to tell you something SO COOL and... Read more →
08:03 AM in Faithful Readers, Other people's pets | Permalink | Comments (50)
I never did tell you why I got mad at the vet's office, and stormed out, and it's official. Get the papers in order. I have become my grandmother. Since 2008--way back in aught eight, when I moved here, I've... Read more →
08:09 AM in I am a pleasure of life, I am high-maintenance, My pets | Permalink | Comments (67)
I've realized that I left my iron and ironing board at Ned's. I am thinking about it, and I think getting new versions of both would be less awful than having to contact Ned and get them back. So. Yay.... Read more →
This is why I should not be left to my own devices. Also, Lottie. Cockblocks m'talent. "Talent." Read more →
02:21 PM in I am a pleasure of life, I am berserk | Permalink | Comments (47)
Were you worried I'd forget it was Ode to Billie Joe day? The official holiday of Bye Bye, Pie ever since we all became obsessed with that song? Did you listen to all the things they eat for lunch? Hello,... Read more →
08:03 AM in Music | Permalink | Comments (79)
My nose and I saw Iris last night. Also, Edsel broke the blinds. I abhor Edsel currently. Because I want new blinds anyway, and can I afford them? No. Blind Iris is in front of my broken blinds. The blind... Read more →
08:17 AM in I am a pleasure of life | Permalink | Comments (76)
It's Wednesday already and I have a million things due this week at work, and they had taken me off one project so I'd have time, but then last night they said, No. You should really be on that project... Read more →
08:12 AM in June can't keep a man | Permalink | Comments (106)