We somehow got into this discussion at work, and it was a good one. Were you the kid who tore out the door at dawn and didn't come back till the streetlights came on? (Ned.)
Were you the kid who took everything apart to see how it worked? (Marvin.)
I was weird. I should have warned you to brace yourself. I didn't like other kids all that much, and I grew up to not like people, so what do you know. Anyway, mostly I wanted to sit around and read, or make up stories, and record myself acting them out on my tape recorder.
And cats. I liked to pet cats. I was friends with all the neighborhood cats.
Did I mention I was weird?
So what were you like?
P.S. I was trying to Google old pictures of myself, so I typed byebyepie blog + "june was 8," and this came up and OH MY GOD QUIET TOUCH. Totally forgot about it. There is nothing I like better than old cosmetics ads. If anyone wonders what to get me for my birthday, any Glamour, Cosmopolitan or Teen Magazine from the late '70s would make me shit my own self.
Also, Ima get that hairdo.
ACK! Oh my god, now I found this!!!
Okay, well now I've just fallen over dead. Someone get that poor woman away from him. He needs to get back to Oz to guard the door to The Wizard, anyway.
Really leaving now. Tell me what kind of kid you were. I need to stop Googling '70s cosmetics ads.