10:13 p.m.
I'm very delighted with my new "add the time" thing I'm doing. I'm blogging at night because I have to be at work early tomorrow. I thought I'd get the whole blogging thing in so it doesn't trip me up tomorrow, which it often does. I'll get all, "Let me just put in one last picture" and then I'm late. And then you guys will be all, "Why didn't you take a picture of the man who sped behind you on the freeway, Jone?"
Jone. Goddammit.
"Why didn't you take a PICTURE of the Tooth Fairy?" "I sure would love to have seen a photo of God when you prayed to him to take Lottie away."
"June, I can't believe you didn't snap a photo of your rape trial."
The woman who wrote Eat/Pray/Love is getting divorced, and she put out a statement saying she was sorry she wasn't going to go into detail but to remember this is a story she's living, not a story she's telling. I was all, SING IT, SISTER!
...Oh, hell. Phone call.
Caption this for me while you're thinking about what an unsatisfying post.