8:06 a.m.
I woke up late, and now Faithful Reader Paula is going to feel nervous through this whole post because I have to hurry. I've showered, and selected what I'm wearing, and also I'd like to mention that when I opened the bathroom door, I fully expected Lottie to be flumped against the door as she always was, waiting for me.
Last night I went to PetSmart, because I gave Edsel a Sentinel, not literally, at the beginning of this month. "Controls heartworm and flea populations," it read. Okay, so I took care of everything in one pill. He scritch scritch scritch scritch scritch scritched his way through August. Finally, I called the vet.
Turns out? I was supposed to know that "controls flea populations" does not mean he was protected against fleas. Hunh. Yeah. Okay.
So two weeks ago, I bathed him and I bathed Lottie, and I put flea drops on them, and then Edsel scritch scritch scritch scritched his way through these past two weeks. So yesterday I got him a Capstar, which I can never remember the name of because first of all, Ned always called it Catstar, like he was an old lady.
"NedKitty's got fleas again. I'm gonna get her one of those Catstar pills."
In case you are a normal person with no pets, Capstar is a pill you give your animal and it kills the fleas right away. It's safe to give even if they have flea drops on.
(Paula, it's 8:15.)
Anyway, I call it Capchat and Snapcat and Catsnat and when did I become my grandma? The whole point is, I schlepped to PetSmart and got Eds one, and while I was there I met a kitten.
I know.
They were cleaning out the cages at PetSmart (they have animals from shelters there, and volunteers come every day, morning and night, to clean the cages) and the woman volunteering said, "You want to come in and hold this one while I clean her cage?"
Do I want to come in and hold this one.
She was a buff tabby, with a little white chest, and her name was Lantana, which is a horrible name BUT IT'S A FLOWER NAME, and was she ever sweet. Oh, she purred and didn't mind being held. Eventually, I put her down and let her play with one of those dreadful plastic balls with the bells in it, and as she batted that thing around, another kitten reached out of its cage to pat at her, and without even much of a glance, she gave the teensiest hiss and kept playing.
fuk off. kittee playeeng.
Don't even ask me how I am not home with a Lantana right now. Oh my goodness. I thought maybe I'd pop in and see her tonight. Shut up.
Daisy? Marigold? Daffodil? A yellow flower name.
Anyway, tonight after work we have a happy hour, as one of my coworkers is moving to New York. He was the guy who originally came up to me a year and a half ago and said, "Would you be interested in doing some writing and not just proofreading?" So I like that guy.
(Paula, it's 8:21. My hair is still wet.)
I guess I'd better go. My announcements to Paula have made me nervous.