I am speaking this post into my phone. I cannot imagine the horrificness that is going to ensue. Iris is on my lap, and she is purring and starfish-ing her paws, and I do not have the heart to get... Read more →
« February 2017 | Main | April 2017 »
I am speaking this post into my phone. I cannot imagine the horrificness that is going to ensue. Iris is on my lap, and she is purring and starfish-ing her paws, and I do not have the heart to get... Read more →
08:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (111)
An old boyfriend of mine--from way back in the '90s when we wore clunky black shoes like it was sexy--went on a trip out west recently, and as a result has been showing photos on Facebook. "It's like a new... Read more →
08:00 AM in Facebook Friend Whore, I hate everything, My pets, OooooooWEEEEEooooooo!!! | Permalink | Comments (104)
I have a new thing that bugs me. "WHAT? How can that be POSSIBLE, easygoing June!" [Leans into computer, rapt.] When someone refers to any emotion being "at a cellular level." Oh, shut up. Yes, my cells know I got... Read more →
08:13 AM in Aging ungracefully, Food and Drink, My pets | Permalink | Comments (59)
This morning I got out of bed and I was all, my leg feels funny. It feels cold on the back. Oh my god, am I BLEEDING or something? Do I have leg cancer? Did I wake up on the... Read more →
08:06 AM in My pets | Permalink | Comments (93)
I have to get up at a ludicrous hour to get Iris from the emergency vet Monday a.m., as they are an emergency vet clinic and close at, like, 7:30 a.m., so I'm writing this Sunday night. Iris's still not... Read more →
06:00 AM in ...friend/Ned, Munchausen's by Proxy, My pets | Permalink | Comments (76)
Today, two dogs attacked Iris. Ima try to tell you all I can remember, although it's already turning into a blur, thankfully. Since before my Year Abroad, I haven't been sleeping with the cats. Ned wouldn't allow it, although he... Read more →
07:01 PM in My pets | Permalink | Comments (72)
I took the day off yesterday to work on my freelance work, and then I never worked on my freelance work. Welcome to me. Welcome to the splendor of me. The first thing I did was get together for coffee... Read more →
08:30 AM in Health, June's vast love of eagles | Permalink | Comments (56)
I worked till 10:00 last night, on freelance stuff, and my real work was busy yesterday, too, but at one point one of you wrote me. "I left you a tip." "Oh, you did? Wow, thanks!" Eventually, I got over... Read more →
08:29 AM in Busy busy busy busy. Thank heavens for Angie's List., Money | Permalink | Comments (42)
I'm $54 overdrawn in my account, I get paid in TEN DAYS, and I just called Ned to borrow $100. I KNOW. You guys. I cannot keep living like this. If you wanna call that living. Seriously, though, here's how... Read more →
08:36 AM in ...friend/Ned, Money | Permalink | Comments (79)
Hloy CATS. "Hloy," Goddammit. I haven't even HAD any wine yet. HOLY cats. Jesus. In case anyone's thinking of checking me into Promises Malibu or whatever, it's 9:53 at night as I write this. I realize you're likely all in... Read more →
11:03 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (55)
For the next week, I will be proofreading a textbook when I'm not at my regularly scheduled job. I will not be here a lot, and also if you know me in real life, I will not be phoning with... Read more →
I be Hutch. Wear be Starskee? hahahahahaha Anyway. I hadn't had my eyebrows waxed since Wilford Brimley was a child, so I went to Elegant Nail & Tan, which I realize suggests all kinds of featured services that do not... Read more →
Yesterday I asked you for stuff to blog about at lunchtime, but then lunchtime neared and someone I freelance for said, "Can you do this really fast?" and I said, "$ure," and who's sick of my dollar signs for Ses?... Read more →
08:18 AM in Film, My pets | Permalink | Comments (42)
I overslept. I went to bed last night, as I told a friend of mine, somewhere between old lady and clinically depressed o'clock. The whole migraine weekend screwed me up. So, do the thing. What do you want me to... Read more →
08:11 AM | Permalink | Comments (47)
I woke up Thursday with a migraine, which is annoying. When you wake up with one, there's really nothing you can do. It's often too late to take medicine. But took some I did, and fortunately it worked, so I... Read more →
08:41 AM in ...friend/Ned, Aging ungracefully, Death, Health | Permalink | Comments (70)
Now that Edsel's dog brain has snapped and I have to literally go outside with him (as opposed to figuratively going outside with him, the way I used to. "I'm outside with you in spirit, Eds!"), I realize it's really... Read more →
08:23 AM in At Two With Nature, My pets | Permalink | Comments (102)
Yesterday's family stories were hilarious. I knew I'd like them. All day I wanted to tell you my friend Dave's family story, one of 3949493944 of them that he has, but I was doing that pesky work thing, and then... Read more →
08:24 AM in Hair, Marvin, Money | Permalink | Comments (40)
Last night, I got home from work at about 6:00, fed everyone, then flumped onto the couch, only to jolt awake at 8:30 after having slept like a toddler all evening. Then I went to bed last night and slept... Read more →
08:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (77)
I'd just like to thank Dr. Antibiotic, inventor of the antibiotic, in 1512, and you can fact check that. For I flumped into the doctor on Friday feeling truly horrific. I wanted to sleep and not go to the appointment,... Read more →
09:17 AM in Health | Permalink | Comments (40)
I am still sick. I know, man. This it it. Elizabeth, I'm coming to join you, honey. I'm going to the doctor at 4:00. IF I MAKE IT THAT LONG. In the meantime, a Realtor, and yes that really is... Read more →
09:29 AM in Health, In the kitchen with June, My pets | Permalink | Comments (50)
Look how well my daisies are doing! ...I got flowers for our receptionist on Valentine's Day, and I over bought and couldn't fit all of the flowers into one vase, so I was all, "Guess I own daisies now." And... Read more →
08:17 AM in Aging ungracefully, Chicken, Hair, June doesn't know any ugly people, My pets | Permalink | Comments (57)