Last night, I got home from work at about 6:00, fed everyone, then flumped onto the couch, only to jolt awake at 8:30 after having slept like a toddler all evening.
Then I went to bed last night and slept like a toddler again till, like, now. Hey, doxycycline, how about you invade my whole life?
Since I'm late, let's have family stories day. What's a story that's been in your family forever, that you all tell over and over?
I remember one reader, although now I can't recall who, who told us a story in the comments one day that I am still not over. The reader's father was dying
hey, hilarity,
and everyone was at the hospital. The priest showed up, and he got mom, the reader, and her sisters into the hallway so they could all pray. Why the hallway, I'll never know. The point is, they were all kneeling, and mom had, you know, perhaps a little gas as she stood up. Like, the gas heard round the world. Fhrrrreeeeeeeeeeep! That kind of thing.
Because she was mortified, due to the PRIEST being there and everything, she twisted her patent-leather shoe this way and that. "These darn shoes," she said.
Every time I think of that story I go into hysterics. These darn shoes.
Okay, I gotta go. That damn Steely Dan chewed a hole in my favorite sweater. Tomorrow we'll have "Times you put your pet to sleep because he was annoying" day.