An old boyfriend of mine--from way back in the '90s when we wore clunky black shoes like it was sexy--went on a trip out west recently, and as a result has been showing photos on Facebook. "It's like a new...
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I was just uploading photos from my phone onto my computer mom boreeng and I saw among the photos a video on there that was half an hour long. "?" I asked myself. seer y uslee, we so ober this...
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I woke up with a migraine today and dragged self to work because trouper. So since I'm barely alive, let's tell death stories today. Yesterday at work, during our 3 o'clock walk, we were telling stories of weird things that...
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It's been cloudy and rainy and ridiculous for days, and my floor back here is all muddy despite wiping these damn eight dog feets every time they come in. Note: Get mud entrance rug, for god's sake. The point is,...
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I haven't done any Freaky Friday tales lately because as far as I know, I'm out of them. If you sent me one and I never published it, tell me in an email and I will look for it. Do...
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Nobody freak out, but I deactivated my Facebook account again. It was just so peaceful without it. I got back on there to wish Ned a happy birthday back in June, then I thought, well, I'd be a fool to...
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As I was logging in today, there was an article on the side of the log-in page called something like, "Seven Blogging Mistakes You're Probably Making." Probably rule number one is blogging about what you see on your sign-in page....
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As I said the other day, and why don't you pay attention to me when I'm talking, on Fridays, I will report for you a freaky story told to me by a reader. Several have rolled in, and here's the...
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