I gots to go. I have to get in the car, drive to freaking Raleigh, get on a plane and fly to Michigan. I'm running for president and thought I'd better get on the campaign trail. That would so be...
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What color should I paint the back room? Currently it's Sad Beige, a thing the previous owner seemed to stampede for. "Oh, is it beige or brass? Sign me up!" Here's the room itself. Look how horrible that door is....
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I got up this morning, swept 950 pounds of pet hair, then started noticing all the things I wanna do around here. I photographed them for your viewing pleasure. Or, alternatively, your viewing boredom. I see that the camera chose...
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It's the end of the year, and time for my annual here's-everything-that-happened-this-year veeedeo. I hope you like it. I only tormented everyone with it 7,2394,t95945,#(49403 times. "Do you like this version?" "How 'bout this one?" "Is this song good?" And...
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Wow. Is it ever busy at fake work. Hope I can get everything done. So far I've had coffee, I've done my makeup, took all that off and did kabuki makeup, took that all off and painted myself silver like...
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Had a dreadful day yesterday, which unfortunately I cannot tell you about. Not every tidbit makes its way onto my blog. And dear person who thinks, Oh! I'm June's Special Reader! I'll email her and ask! Yeah, no. Thanks. Thanks...
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My friend Steve (who is not to be confused with Faithful Reader CVSteve nor my old boyfriend Steve who I saw this summer, but ANOTHER friend Steve who we decided in the comments should ID himself as Huge Member Steve)...
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I schlepped to the bagel store today and am currently eating an Asiago Parmesan bagel with bacon scallion cream cheese and a tomato. I am totally Ned right now. "GodDAMMIT, this is good." The other night I was lying in...
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