Somehow this morning I got on the topic my my gramma's Real Romance magazines and now I'm obsessed. My grandmother had a relatively large house--I mean, it was four bedrooms, and it had an upstairs and a downstairs and a... Read more →
Somehow this morning I got on the topic my my gramma's Real Romance magazines and now I'm obsessed. My grandmother had a relatively large house--I mean, it was four bedrooms, and it had an upstairs and a downstairs and a... Read more →
12:08 PM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (29)
Thanks, everyone, for all your what-makes-life-worth-living comments yesterday. I guess for me it'd have to include: Kittens, of course. Puppies, of course. Adult dogs and cats and also leopards which I wish to kiss on the head not to mention... Read more →
08:01 AM in Faithful Readers, Family, Friends, My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (176)
When I was a kid, I spent an inordinate amount of time at my grandmother's. At least half my childhood memories involve being at her house. I was the only grandkid in town; the others lived in Detroit, so who... Read more →
12:22 PM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (78)
Francis is up here, paying me a cheerful visit. It took him an hour and 45 minutes to waddle into the room, and then another seven years to crawl up to the desk. I really wish I'd have paid attention,... Read more →
10:35 AM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (56)
Marvin said I could find our hotel last night, so we are livin' it up at fancy Days Inn. I know! Puttin' on the ritz. You should have seen my Uncle Jim's funeral. You probably can see a lot of... Read more →
07:18 AM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (38)
Marvin just took the turtles back to school; the art teacher is going to take care of them for us. Our neighbor, Peg, is pet-sitting. Marvin also bought a bag of snacks that I do not enjoy (licorice and goldfish)... Read more →
09:52 AM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (59)
died today at 1:57 p.m. My Aunt Sue said she figured God must have been bored and needed someone up there who'd stir things up. But oh, how we're gonna miss you down here, Uncle Jim. Read more →
02:55 PM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (99)
Yesterday I called my Uncle Jim's house and left him a message. I didn't even know if he'd be able to listen to it; I wasn't sure if he was alert or what. I told him that despite the COUNTLESS... Read more →
01:13 PM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (39)
Everything in my yard is just starting to come alive, and my Uncle Jim is dying. It's like my whole yard is mocking me. Read more →
09:57 AM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (79)
I sat here for three solid hours last night, as opposed to liquid hours, adding categories to all of my posts. I still haven't finished; I think I have February through May of 2009 to get done. And here's what... Read more →
11:24 AM in Health, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (40)
Hey, if anyone is in or around Saginaw, Michigan today, they are having a benefit for my Uncle Jim right now. It's at the Tim Horton's on State Street until 10 p.m. A portion of anything you buy today will... Read more →
12:59 PM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (14)
Yeah. When I said you wouldn't hear from me for a few days, I just meant because I'd be too depressed to write anything funny. I wasn't planning on going to Michigan. Although I would like to get back there... Read more →
06:49 PM in My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (24)
Things aren't going well with my Uncle Jim and his cancer. You may not hear from me for a while. I hate stupid cancer. That's my uncle in the middle, at my wedding in 1998. Annoyed I didn't get more... Read more →
07:37 PM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (43)
I am listening to Tallulah crunch her food. It is such a festive sound, because she is so happy while she's eating. Crunch crunch crunch! I hope Marvin reads this and knows I fed the dog. Since he is on... Read more →
06:59 AM in My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (21)
I am back in Greensboro. It was 66 degrees and sunny when I got here, as opposed to gray and really ding-dang cold in Michigan. Why must it be cold in Michigan all the time? Anyway, our tree in the... Read more →
07:12 AM in My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (23)
So, my Uncle Jim officially has cancer. It sucks, is what it does. If you knew my uncle, you would understand how bad it sucks. I mean, no one should get cancer. Why do people get cancer? When he was... Read more →
06:39 PM in My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (56)
Geez, Louise, 1962 called, wants its computer back. I'm on my mother's speedy computer, can you tell? I only had to wait 16 centuries to get on here. And the thing is still mooooaaaning, like it can't believe I want... Read more →
08:30 AM in Family, Travel, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (21)
My uncle Jim is really sick. I don't feel like posting anything. I may go home for a few days if I can. Read more →
06:30 PM in Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (32)
It was actually rather cool tonight when I walked Tallulah. I'd say this is the first time since May that I did not perspire during the walk. Some woman walking with tiny weights said, "Naace naaght to be out, inn't?"... Read more →
08:04 PM in Los Angeles, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (24)
...inventing things you don't need to spend your money on, since 1986. I am particularly taken with how Francis has a little sparkle in each eye. It is the sparkle of evil, trust me. My witchy cat aside, HOW LONG... Read more →
01:24 PM in Food and Drink, My pets, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (19)
First of all, let's all enjoy my backside together. Why shouldn't you have the same pleasures the rest of Greensboro has every day? Here are my new jeans. And my old dog. I totally had no treat in my hand... Read more →
08:19 PM in Family, Uncle Jim | Permalink | Comments (31)